Monday, July 13, 2015

Life As We Know It: a Plog post

 Well life is moving along nicely in our little world. This post is going to be mostly photos, with some comments in between. I want to apologies for the delay in sending out birth announcements. To be honest, we haven't even made them yet! We've been too busy just enjoying our family to worry about it yet, but rest assured they are coming!

Curtis News:

Curtis has basically finished the house!!  There are still bits here and there, but the siding is up, porch is built, basement is finished! We are very happy about this! (i dont have photos yet because curtis wanted to take some proper ones and post them first... and post he should! He worked very hard and it looks fantastic!) You are welcome to do a drive-by stalking to see how pretty our house is now... :) we've gotten lots of compliments from passer-by neighbors. Its nice to see all of Curtis' hard work paying off!

Josiah News:

puddle jumping with daddy June 5
I just can't get over how much he has grown since Sammy was born.  I thought it was just my perception of him, but when I look at photos of him from right around when Sammy was born, he actually has more baby fat and everything. He's becoming such a big boy now.

He has also gotten louder since Samuel's arrival. A valiant effort to ensure he is still heard and noticed I assume! I quite like it, since he was such a quiet boy before this.

While I was in labor
Taken yesterday
father's day mug painting with mommy

 He's growing and growing... He has figured out that Samuel is here to stay and has both fluorished and grieved under this reality. It's tough as a mom to try and divide your time, and teach the first born that he's not the only child now... but other than some passive-aggressiveness in terms of obedience, he is really adjusting as well as a 2 year old could be expected to do so.

He doesn't take much notice of Samuel on a moment-by-moment basis, but if an adult draws attention to Samuel (while addressing Josiah on the matter) he is a very sweet big brother. He just needs some guidance in this area it seems.

But the ultimate they look alike? I honestly thought not, but photos dont lie!

 other than packing a few extra pounds thanks to his non-preemie-ness, they are roughly the spitting-image of each other!

Sammie News:

This kid is growing like a weed!
 And started to smile right on Canada day! Guess who got the first grins? It was a picture frame on the wall...that's right... pretty much anything black he will smile at with glee. I had to wait till day two for my very own smiles!! Sheesh. I don't see his black blinds changing his diapers...what's he so happy at them for! ;)

 Now when I said he's growing like a weed, I wasn't joking. Born at 8-1, he was 10-3 at his 2 week check up, then 13-2 at 4 1/2 weeks!! Little porker is loving life it seems!!

 Krysta News:

I am doing well, because Sammie sleeps okay for me, and eats well! What more could I ask for? He's a bit cranky in the evenings,  but generally a very content kid (for now...the first several months are full of unknowns!!)

We got to spend Canada day with some friends of ours, and I was able to force my children (not my husband though...) to dress in matching Canada attire! :) lucky me!
 Josiah also got to go for a bike ride with Grandpa on Canada day. He was pretty thrilled!

Family News:

We are definately one big happy family.

We have been thoroughly enjoying this fantastic weather by crashing Grammie and Gramps freshly landscaped back yard with our water-filled Shinanigans! So much fun for everyone, and a great way to keep a toddler occupied while mommy is occupied with baby! :)

That's all for now! Lots of photos, and lots of good times! Thanks for the prayers! Please keep them coming, as clearly they are being answered. We are so blessed during this season. I never could have imagined that parenting could be like this. What a difference 5 weeks gestation makes in a newborn... Thank you God!