Monday, July 13, 2015

Life As We Know It: a Plog post

 Well life is moving along nicely in our little world. This post is going to be mostly photos, with some comments in between. I want to apologies for the delay in sending out birth announcements. To be honest, we haven't even made them yet! We've been too busy just enjoying our family to worry about it yet, but rest assured they are coming!

Curtis News:

Curtis has basically finished the house!!  There are still bits here and there, but the siding is up, porch is built, basement is finished! We are very happy about this! (i dont have photos yet because curtis wanted to take some proper ones and post them first... and post he should! He worked very hard and it looks fantastic!) You are welcome to do a drive-by stalking to see how pretty our house is now... :) we've gotten lots of compliments from passer-by neighbors. Its nice to see all of Curtis' hard work paying off!

Josiah News:

puddle jumping with daddy June 5
I just can't get over how much he has grown since Sammy was born.  I thought it was just my perception of him, but when I look at photos of him from right around when Sammy was born, he actually has more baby fat and everything. He's becoming such a big boy now.

He has also gotten louder since Samuel's arrival. A valiant effort to ensure he is still heard and noticed I assume! I quite like it, since he was such a quiet boy before this.

While I was in labor
Taken yesterday
father's day mug painting with mommy

 He's growing and growing... He has figured out that Samuel is here to stay and has both fluorished and grieved under this reality. It's tough as a mom to try and divide your time, and teach the first born that he's not the only child now... but other than some passive-aggressiveness in terms of obedience, he is really adjusting as well as a 2 year old could be expected to do so.

He doesn't take much notice of Samuel on a moment-by-moment basis, but if an adult draws attention to Samuel (while addressing Josiah on the matter) he is a very sweet big brother. He just needs some guidance in this area it seems.

But the ultimate they look alike? I honestly thought not, but photos dont lie!

 other than packing a few extra pounds thanks to his non-preemie-ness, they are roughly the spitting-image of each other!

Sammie News:

This kid is growing like a weed!
 And started to smile right on Canada day! Guess who got the first grins? It was a picture frame on the wall...that's right... pretty much anything black he will smile at with glee. I had to wait till day two for my very own smiles!! Sheesh. I don't see his black blinds changing his diapers...what's he so happy at them for! ;)

 Now when I said he's growing like a weed, I wasn't joking. Born at 8-1, he was 10-3 at his 2 week check up, then 13-2 at 4 1/2 weeks!! Little porker is loving life it seems!!

 Krysta News:

I am doing well, because Sammie sleeps okay for me, and eats well! What more could I ask for? He's a bit cranky in the evenings,  but generally a very content kid (for now...the first several months are full of unknowns!!)

We got to spend Canada day with some friends of ours, and I was able to force my children (not my husband though...) to dress in matching Canada attire! :) lucky me!
 Josiah also got to go for a bike ride with Grandpa on Canada day. He was pretty thrilled!

Family News:

We are definately one big happy family.

We have been thoroughly enjoying this fantastic weather by crashing Grammie and Gramps freshly landscaped back yard with our water-filled Shinanigans! So much fun for everyone, and a great way to keep a toddler occupied while mommy is occupied with baby! :)

That's all for now! Lots of photos, and lots of good times! Thanks for the prayers! Please keep them coming, as clearly they are being answered. We are so blessed during this season. I never could have imagined that parenting could be like this. What a difference 5 weeks gestation makes in a newborn... Thank you God!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Welcome: Samuel Jacob Harder.

Yes it is true! Wednesday night, June 3'rd at 11:48 pm our little Sammy entered the world through a successful VBAC delivery following a day-long induction. (There's much more to the story than that, but for the sake of squeamish male readers who would still like to stay informed, we'll leave the details to a minimum.). Feel free to come by and visit (preferably with delicious food! Just joking!) and we'd be happy to share more of our story with you! 

We chose the name Samuel based on the bible story about Hannah who prays in faith for a son, and God provides. Hannah then gives Samuel back to the lord to serve in the temple, where Samuel hears the voice of God and says "speak lord, your servant is listening" and becomes one of the great prophets of the Old Testament, anointing the first two kings of Israel; Saul and David. 

The name Jacob was chosen from my paternal grandfather Jacob Klassen, who passed away when I was a small child, but was a very strong and well respected man, who was dearly loved by his family. My biggest memory of him is that my grandma Klassen pined for him in love right up to her last days (which were long after Curtis and I were together). To me, this too shows a life worth remembering in the naming of our son.  Jacob is also the name of one of Curtis's maternal great grandfathers. In this way, we chose to honour both sides of the family through Samuel's name. 

Samuel News:

Sammy weighed 8 lbs 1 oz at birth, and was 21 inches long. Dark eyes (no color yet) and dark crimpy/wavy hair that straightened out after his bath. Apgar 's were 9 and 8 (for those who know whatever that means! I know it has to do with how strong or loud he cried at birth or something like that). For his first 12 hours or so, Sammy had no interest in sleeping. We tried to logically reason with him but he was a big baby about it all ;). On the plus side, all he wanted to do was NURSE! :) so he is a healthy eater, and has lost an impressively minimal amount of weight in his first 24 hours!  Also he is finally sleeping a bit more, much to my relief, what with not having slept 3 nights in a row due to labouring. 
We are currently waiting on some additional jaundice testing, which Sammy's pediatrician is taking more seriously due to Josiah's birth jaundice, and the hereditary nature of the condition. We hope to leave the hospital soon, if the testing goes well. 

Parent's news:
Curtis and I are very tired but so very happy. We couldn't ask for a healthier baby, and we are so blessed! 

In a way, it has also been relaxing and wonderful, as we've had a break from everyday life, and got to bond so fully with our new son.  Granted, it was on way less sleep than anticipated, but that all adds to the "ambiance" of it all. ;)
Also, I have been so pleasantly surprised by my recovery post-partum. In fact, I am typing this while laying on my stomach, something I haven't been able to do for 9 months, and wouldn't be doing if Samuel had been a c-section baby. I can laugh, pick things up, walk around... Much happier with my recovery (even if sitting is more of a trick for a while). 

Josiah News:
Josiah has spent the past several days with his grandparents on both sides, happy as can be, barely aware that anything has happened! 
When he came to meet his brother, this was mostly what happened...
I think he might have noticed Samuel... For at least a couple seconds. But the equipment on the wall was VERY fascinating to him! :) he DOES know his name though! The baby is called "Hammy" :)

We both miss him and are eager to settle into our new family life, so Josiah can learn his new role as "big brother". 

Prayer requests:
A big thank you to everyone who has been praying! Wednesday was an extremely difficult day for us, and had unknowns and stressors right up to the time Sammy was born. Your prayers are the reason we made it through, the reason he wasn't c-sectioned and the reason we are both healthy! Thank you! Do not underestimate how powerful your prayers have been. 

If you would like to continue to hold us up in prayer, you can pray over the following
- Sam's potential jaundice concerns to resolve themselves
- my post partum recovery, and adjustment to parenting a toddler and a newborn
- sleep for all!
- Curtis as he goes back to work ASAP
- Josiah's adjustment to sharing mommy. 

Thanks again for all your prayers and support! I likely won't be updating this blog on quite as regular a basis, however I'll still send out an update from time to time. 

We would love to touch base with you and have each of you over to meet our little cutie! Feel free to text or call either Curtis or myself and we'll figure out a day and time together!  Thanks for praying and celebrating with us!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

waiting for D-Day

 Baby News:

40 weeks (minus two days)-in this photo

Baby had another fetal assessment this week, and everything looked good! Instead of 60% for size, he was more like 40% at this assessment... this is what I meant by they just simply aren't accurate about size in these things! I think it's safe to say he'll be roughly average sized though, which is nice to know going into the future! Not to big, not too small! This little boy has been very active lately. This is both good and bad. It's very re-assuring to me, which has been very nice, since I have been a bit more anxious about miscarriage this pregnancy than the last, but it also means his head isn't really engaged (pushing on the cirvix) which would help me go into labor more naturally.
My blood pressure was quite elevated at my appointment following the fetal assessment, so I was put on regular blood pressure meds. (side note: the med they put me on last week, wasnt asthmatic safe, so I was instructed to only take it when necessary. This is a different pill all together, and I now need to take it daily). Despite the meds, my pressure still seems to be creeping higher each day, something I remember well from the last pregnancy. I remember that my body really didn't respond at all to the blood pressure medications. I am a strange bird... That's why I went from no meds to the max doses of three different pills (all taken at the same time, not switched out) in three weeks time, then still ended up being induced cause my blood pressure was out of control...the difference is, this time I am 40 WEEKS!! :) so we dont have to try meds, we can just get baby out instead.
Just like last time, I am A-symptomatic (meaning I dont have the usual high blood pressure symptoms of dizziness, seeing stars, headaches, swelling etc..) and baby is doing far better than they could assume or hope (very active, good growth and heart rate).
My OBGYN has us set up for an induction on Saturday (today). This is her day on-call at the hospital, and she is hoping that her role in choosing who on the induction list gets induced, will work in our favor. Basically, every day the doctor on call will make a selection based on whatever factors (i assume, how busy triage seems to be etc..) about who on the long list of hopeful induct-ee's will actually get to come in to be induced.  Given that my situation is based on medical concerns (blood pressure issues), and not just on being past my due date, I am more likely than some to be selected anyway (I would think). So here's hoping things get moving along! It's not a certainty, but I am hopeful.

 Josiah News:

This little guy has had quite a busy week! we've spent lots of time outside, and tried to get in some good quality time with him while he is still an only child.
Josiah trying to take a drink from the hose, but mostly just getting wet!
Despite lengthily trips to the park, water fun in grammie's yard across the street, a trip to the zoo and even hanging out with daddy while he works on the house, Josiah's been quite out of sorts... I think he knows something is up, but he doesn't know what or how to deal with it. I didn't clue into this till my doctor's appointment on Wednesday where another (very) pregnant mom had her two-and-a-half year old along, and as i watched them, it was like I was watching Josiah act out... same type of behaviors Josiah has been exhibiting. Pushing the boundaries more than normal, being especially clingy/needy, getting upset much more easily about  anything (and yes, I know he is two...that's why I am saying things like "more than normal." Cause of course he is doing all of these things on a regular basis anyway, as a two year old, but...just doubled lately...).

We make the most of it though, and give extra love when we can, and time outs when needed too... I mostly empathize for  his confused little mind! So when possible, thats why we've been trying to give him extra time.

Thursday morning my mom and I took Josiah to the forks for a pancake lunch, and yesterday Curtis was able to come home a little early from work, and we spent some family time at the park and at home together, which was very nice for Josiah too. Building lots of memories with him while he's an only child!

You know, it really isn't fare to be two when you get a sibling... I mean, Curtis and I get to mentally work through all the emotions of going from one young little love in our lives to two. We get to think about how divide our attentions, and even slightly mourn the loss of only having that one kid to pour all our attention on... he doesn't get that luxury. He just gets blind-sided by this new sibling in his life. The only warning he gets is his funny little "where's the baby" trick where he points to mummy's tummy. Maybe I'm just being over-run with all these extra hormones, but I really do feel and empathize for Josiah. There is a lot of difficult confusion he is about to go through, when he realizes there's a new baby in our family that is here to stay, and that he has to share mummy's time,  energy and affection with it. He hasn't quite picked up on the whole concept of "sharing" yet, even with toys. So it'll be quite a learning curve to start with sharing his parents.
mummy and Josiah at the forks on Thursday (40 weeks)

Curtis News:

our hard working man!

Curtis has been working hard, as usual! He took a couple of days off this week to try and finish up the front porch so we wont be leaving piles of lumber in our front yard. He also managed to get siding up on the two sides of our house with the help of a couple friends and family members!

our life in a nutshell
Naturally, Curtis also had a little helper for much of his part-time labors. Josiah was often plunked outside on his booster seat, or even in his highchair with breakfast or lunch, and he was happy to watch the show. Gramps came up with the idea to put the headphones on him, which made the loud noises far more tolerable for him!
Josiah has spent hours this week hanging out with daddy while he works.

Josiah is fascinated by power tools right now, and the noises they make!

Josiah will pick up something (anything) and start making power tool noises.
All-in-all, it's been an exhausting week for curtis, but I think he feels decently "nested" in his own way as well. There's still plenty that needs to be done, but enough has been checked off and enough open ends tied up for the next little while anyway.

Krysta News:

I have basically just been keeping myself busy. I made some thank you bags for 6 or so nurses/health care aids, depending on who stands out to us. I remember from last time, that we actually came back to the hospital to drop something off, and because we were so exhausted afterwards, it was more expensive to do, since we settled on gift cards. This way the thought is still there in the thank you, without breaking the bank. dis-assembled, it all fits nicely into a small pouch in my hospital bag.
I also went to town with my essential oils, and made some blends that I can use to bring on labor, manage pain, help with healing, and even one or two for baby!
I also found a neat recipe to make hand sanitizer on pinterest, using aloe vira gel, witchazel, coconut oil, and essential oils.  So i  whipped some of that up, and made little viles for each nurse's thank you baggie as well.
Other than these somewhat pointless nesting bits, I have been basically using my energies on Josiah, and on trying to stay rested. My blood pressure has been getting higher, and seems to be ignoring the fact that I am now on medications. This is a bit more anxiety provoking, since this is how my body responded to the meds last time too (ignoring them and getting higher). I am happy to be so close to the end this time, when this has started, but I am still losing sleep over it, and quite anxious about what the next few days will hold.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Josiah as he spends several days away from us at grandparents houses, and for the adjustment back home afterward
  • for Josiah adjusting to the idea of a new sibling
  • That labor and delivery will be successful and boring
  • For health for all
  • Energy for Curtis through it all, and the stamina as he returns to work post partum
  • That my blood pressure will not get dangerously high
  • Rest
  • That I will be able to stay close to God throughout it all, and surrender things to him, and feel his presence.