Friday, June 5, 2015

Welcome: Samuel Jacob Harder.

Yes it is true! Wednesday night, June 3'rd at 11:48 pm our little Sammy entered the world through a successful VBAC delivery following a day-long induction. (There's much more to the story than that, but for the sake of squeamish male readers who would still like to stay informed, we'll leave the details to a minimum.). Feel free to come by and visit (preferably with delicious food! Just joking!) and we'd be happy to share more of our story with you! 

We chose the name Samuel based on the bible story about Hannah who prays in faith for a son, and God provides. Hannah then gives Samuel back to the lord to serve in the temple, where Samuel hears the voice of God and says "speak lord, your servant is listening" and becomes one of the great prophets of the Old Testament, anointing the first two kings of Israel; Saul and David. 

The name Jacob was chosen from my paternal grandfather Jacob Klassen, who passed away when I was a small child, but was a very strong and well respected man, who was dearly loved by his family. My biggest memory of him is that my grandma Klassen pined for him in love right up to her last days (which were long after Curtis and I were together). To me, this too shows a life worth remembering in the naming of our son.  Jacob is also the name of one of Curtis's maternal great grandfathers. In this way, we chose to honour both sides of the family through Samuel's name. 

Samuel News:

Sammy weighed 8 lbs 1 oz at birth, and was 21 inches long. Dark eyes (no color yet) and dark crimpy/wavy hair that straightened out after his bath. Apgar 's were 9 and 8 (for those who know whatever that means! I know it has to do with how strong or loud he cried at birth or something like that). For his first 12 hours or so, Sammy had no interest in sleeping. We tried to logically reason with him but he was a big baby about it all ;). On the plus side, all he wanted to do was NURSE! :) so he is a healthy eater, and has lost an impressively minimal amount of weight in his first 24 hours!  Also he is finally sleeping a bit more, much to my relief, what with not having slept 3 nights in a row due to labouring. 
We are currently waiting on some additional jaundice testing, which Sammy's pediatrician is taking more seriously due to Josiah's birth jaundice, and the hereditary nature of the condition. We hope to leave the hospital soon, if the testing goes well. 

Parent's news:
Curtis and I are very tired but so very happy. We couldn't ask for a healthier baby, and we are so blessed! 

In a way, it has also been relaxing and wonderful, as we've had a break from everyday life, and got to bond so fully with our new son.  Granted, it was on way less sleep than anticipated, but that all adds to the "ambiance" of it all. ;)
Also, I have been so pleasantly surprised by my recovery post-partum. In fact, I am typing this while laying on my stomach, something I haven't been able to do for 9 months, and wouldn't be doing if Samuel had been a c-section baby. I can laugh, pick things up, walk around... Much happier with my recovery (even if sitting is more of a trick for a while). 

Josiah News:
Josiah has spent the past several days with his grandparents on both sides, happy as can be, barely aware that anything has happened! 
When he came to meet his brother, this was mostly what happened...
I think he might have noticed Samuel... For at least a couple seconds. But the equipment on the wall was VERY fascinating to him! :) he DOES know his name though! The baby is called "Hammy" :)

We both miss him and are eager to settle into our new family life, so Josiah can learn his new role as "big brother". 

Prayer requests:
A big thank you to everyone who has been praying! Wednesday was an extremely difficult day for us, and had unknowns and stressors right up to the time Sammy was born. Your prayers are the reason we made it through, the reason he wasn't c-sectioned and the reason we are both healthy! Thank you! Do not underestimate how powerful your prayers have been. 

If you would like to continue to hold us up in prayer, you can pray over the following
- Sam's potential jaundice concerns to resolve themselves
- my post partum recovery, and adjustment to parenting a toddler and a newborn
- sleep for all!
- Curtis as he goes back to work ASAP
- Josiah's adjustment to sharing mommy. 

Thanks again for all your prayers and support! I likely won't be updating this blog on quite as regular a basis, however I'll still send out an update from time to time. 

We would love to touch base with you and have each of you over to meet our little cutie! Feel free to text or call either Curtis or myself and we'll figure out a day and time together!  Thanks for praying and celebrating with us!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your adorable son. Now that I see bigger pictures of him I do see the resemblance to his brother Josiah. It won't take long and Josiah will enjoy the roll of big brother and teach his little brother many things.

    We are praising God for blessing you with a healthy and beautiful child.
