Wednesday, April 29, 2015

36 weeks

Yup! we have officially reached the gestation of pregnancy where Josiah was born! (well, he was born at 36 weeks 4 days...but hey!) Definitely something to celebrate, and I am! I am heading to "women refreshed at the well" tomorrow for a day-trip to spend some time with God, and some time just relaxing and celebrating this step!

side note: Women Refreshed at the Well, is a ministry created by a woman named Joy. She has built out her Narol MB Henderson Highway home to accommodate up to 6 guests overnight who may need a spiritual retreat or opportunity to just rest. She provides meals, encouragement and prayer, and an absolutely beautiful environment to rest in. You can check her out here at .

I have been celebrating various OBGYN appointments with different things. At 33 weeks, Curtis and I got steak and had a nice supper. 34 weeks I was too sick to do anything. Last week we had a date night, and this week is my little retreat (which Curtis is giving me instead of flowers for mothers day! Super pumped, cause I can still get flowers once I have a newborn, but I wont be able to just get away and rest! Plus the cost is almost the same if you buy flowers at a florist shop)

Baby News:
I had my appointment this morning and unfortunately baby is still head up (breech). At 36 weeks, it is far less likely that the baby will turn around, simply because it doesn't have the room inside to do so anymore. Next wednesday I will have a fetal assessment where the nurse or doctor or whichever it is, will actually make an attempt to turn the baby manually (by pressing on my stomach) while monitoring it on the ultrasound machine. I am sort of excited for this, but then again, I have no idea if this will hurt or not (ignorance is bliss, so dont tell me if you know it will hurt! but feel free to let me know if you are sure it DOESN'T).  Otherwise, things are still going well! My blood pressure was 138/86 which, again, is higher than it ought to be, but not high enough to be a concern, especially because my home-readings are lower (120's/70's). Prayer over both my blood pressure and this breech business would be very appreciated. If baby is breech, that will mean a c-section for me, since there are additional risks to doing a VBAC breech, in terms of tearing the old incision, which combined with my slightly elevated blood pressure just makes a VBAC seem less intelligent than a scheduled section... but if baby still turns, or if he can be turned during the fetal assessment, then I will be good to go for a VBAC (which is what I want!).

Curtis News:
 Curtis has been plugging away at random things in our basement, to try and get it finished off. Currently his office is upstairs in the third bedroom, and once the basement is ready, he will move into the office down there so that this little babe can have a bedroom! There's not as much of a rush though, since the baby will be in a cradle in our room for the first while anyways.

With summer sunshine and daylight savings, the crew is working longer and longer hours. Some days we feel like ships passing in the night. One day last week, curtis came home at 8:00, had supper, showered and went to bed. Then other days he has worked all day, then works in the basement all evening. needless to say, he is working hard and has been quite tired lately! It will be nice to have the basement done soon though!

Josiah News:
As you can see by this photo, our son is a restless little sleeper! This is why he hasn't transitioned to a toddler bed yet! He is at the head of his bed in this photo. We put him down properly, holding his bear and blanket, then Curtis corrects his position around 10:00 pm before he goes to bed, but in the morning, this is usually what I find.  It was actually pretty funny this particular morning, how sound a asleep he was that I could flash photos of him!

Josiah Got sick also... He ended up on antibiotics, which have really helped. Also, for those who may have been aware of our doctors predicament, Josiah is officially a patient of my former pediatrician Dr Deonarine! This is such a blessing, as she is an excellent doctor, and it also means that this baby will have a pediatrician right from the start. We have been searching for a pediatrician since Josiah was born. We have bounced between a few, as well as my GP, but no one was a right fit. One (who is good) is just a walk in doctor, one left the office he was working at (and already had a full practice at another office), and the other was very egocentric, did not listen to symptoms or concerns and had a "one issue per appointment" policy which I will not tolerate... (I will leave him anonymous out of the grace of my heart...) Considering all the issues Josiah has had with eating in his first two years,  you can imagine how frustrating this journey was without a proper medical voice! Now we have one! Yay!

Krysta News:

I seem to be on the mend, after 10.5 weeks of illness. I am far from healthy yet, as I am still sleeping upright so I dont just cough all night, I am still transitioning from 6 puffs/day of a much stronger asthma medicine that isnt quite as safe for pregnancy (a regular dose of said puffer is 1 puff twice a day) down to 5-4 puffs a day, Clairitin (allergy med), a medicated nasal spray (also a little sketchy for pregnancy), essential oils, air purifier, and having to avoid most asthma triggers...

BUT! at the same time, I am beginning to get proper chunks of sleep, like 2-3 hrs at a time, for 7-8 hrs, only broken up by the odd coughing fit and bathroom break... so this is a blessing! at it's worse, I was getting maybe 4 hours total a night, in 20 minute segments. My anxiety was very high around the coughing, and several times I could barely catch my breath between coughing fits.I was having to take 1/4-1/2 a gravol tablet just to calm down and go to sleep.  I went to the hospital on one occasion for the extreme coughing fits, but they could only give me ventolin (a rescue medication) which is only a temporary solution, and also a medication I have at home in a far less potent form... so for many nights I was taking far beyond the recommended dosages (maybe 3-4X the recommended dosages?).

Medication affecting this pregnancy has obviously become a concern in my mind. Thankfully I am in my third trimester, which means that the "mutagens" (medications that have been known to cause mutations in fetuses) wont be as big a deal, since baby has already formed all its organs and limbs etc... So my fingers are crossed and my hands are folded in prayer that this baby will not be affected by all these crazy meds I am on, and I am continuing to ask for prayer, as I am capable of functioning without ANY of these medications when I am not sick... My doctor has been alright with my meds so far, which is a welcomed relief as well.

below you can see how most of my wardrobe seems to default these days... shirts are riding up and pants are riding down... it's almost impossible to go for a walk! :) but hey! I'll take it! It means baby is growing and potentially dropping, which are both good things!  (Josiah kept trying to pull down my shirt, haha! That little kid actually likes to be clothed! He gets upset when you undress him!).
Well, that is all for this time! Thanks for reading and praying!

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